Florida Investigations & Executive Protection (FIEP) offers the most comprehensive Investigation Services world wide. Our services include insurance fraud investigation, bank and corporate fraud, workers comp, employee background and screening, surveillance, corporate investigation and undercover investigations.
Insurance Fraud Investigation
Insurance fraud is a frequent occurrence in the US and world wide. This particular crime costs Americans tens of billions of dollars annually since insurance coverage rates rise to counter the loss. Fortunately, Florida Investigations & Executive Protection can help to stop people from committing this crime. To establish insurance fraud, our investigators use various methods. From conducting surveillance on employees who are out on worker’s comp to checking social media pages to help establish fraud.
Employee Background Screening
When you are seriously considering hiring someone, you want to be sure that they are who they say they are and you need to be able to identify people that are potentially harmful. Public Safety Protection Agency helps with employee background screening by searching through national sex offender, criminal backgrounds and other databases. This will allow us to look into any red flags that show up in the background of a candidate. Most importantly, it allows us to alert you about those red flags so you can make the right hiring decision.
Surveillance Investigations
Our surveillance investigators can covertly monitor a subject with the goal of documenting and determining interactions and activities. Surveillance can be performed in person or remotely, depending on the situation. A PSPA surveillance investigator uses recording equipment to document evidence and questionable activity. If you need information that can be used in legal proceedings, you will need a professional’s help and experience. Public Safety Protection Agency provides licensed, experienced surveillance investigators for corporations and individuals.
Corporate and Bank Fraud Investigation
Every year, corporations and banks lose billions of dollars to embezzlement and fraud. Most of which goes undetected until it accrues a significant amount of damage to a corporation’s reputation and bottom line. FIEP agents have years of experience providing corporate and bank fraud investigation services.
Private Investigations
Every smart business owner knows the importance of maintaining a safe workplace. Business owners can’t be everywhere and employees are known to be on their best behavior when management is present. A trained professional can identify risks such as unsafe work practices or drug use. This can cost you money, the loss of intellectual property, and maybe even the loss of your business. If you have a problem with someone on the inside, PSPA can help.
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